First Round Evaluation
Group A:
my forecast: fenerbahçe - real
- pana - khimki..
result: real - khimki - pana - fenerbahçe (4/4)
I assume Fenerbahce as a powerful canditate for final 4 challange, however, they still couldnt set their game as a newly formed team and due to the lack of McCalebb for a considerably long time. In time, I believe they will play big in round 16.
my forecast: maccabbi - alba -
malaga - chalon derim...
result: maccabi - malaga - siena - alba (3/4)
I expected to see an explosion from alba at last, especially in such a loose group; but they just grab a final seat for round 16. Siena, as a new formed team showed us that not the names but system and fundamental are the fact that brings success.
my forecast: Armani - olimpiakos - efes - Zalgiris
result: zalgiris - olimpiakos - efes - caja laboral (3/4)
Maybe its the biggest disappointment for the first round; Armani Milano.. the american line up as well as the greek towers; in additon to that the italian guys; the team was quite well prosperous for a success story. However, they became a comedown story resulted in a 5th degree in a so called 5 team group (you still count cedevita, hah?)
my forecast: CSKA - Barcelona - Beşiktaş - brose basket bamberg
result: barcelona - CSKA - Beşiktaş - brose basket bamberg (4/4)
If we say that CSKA is the titan of last year, half of this creature was Krilenko and he is not here to keep CSKA as terrorizing as last year. Barcelona played hide and seek in this group and they will continue to play big on the way to F4..
coming soon.. round 16..
26 Aralık 2012 Çarşamba
3 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi
euroleague reloaded - round robin
euroleague round robin..
grupların orta şekerlisi A grubu...
Fenerbahçe yeni takım kurarken kolay yolu seçti, takıma geçen yılın en iyi takımlarından ikisinin en iyi parçalarını, son yıllarında en isim yapmış hocalarından birini getirdi. neredeyse katılımcıların yarısının yeni takımlar kurarak geldiği ligde, adaptasyon sürecini kolay atlatabilirse F4 ün adaylarından biridir. Tabi bu noktada benim takdir ettiğim ve görmek istediğim yerli yabancı yeni ve genç oyuncularla bir ekol oluşturmak.. ama endüstriyel sporda netice önemli, ki ulaşılabilirse bu da takdire değer..
Grubun diğer ağır topu geçen sene olduğu gibi bu yılda F4 iddiasıyla gelen Madrid. Rudy Fernandez ile güçlenmiş olarak başlıyorlar, tecrübe ve takım uyumu en büyük avantajları.
AOKAda maç izlemiş birisi olarak taraftarı olduğum PANAnın Obradoviç olmadan tam bir takım olduğunu düşünemiyorum; üstüne bir de Calathes Sato ve Batisti kaybettiler hem de Fenerbahçeye; ama hala harika çocuk Diamantidise sahipler..
bir sonraki tur için benim favorim dördüncülükten Khimki.. eurocup şampiyonu khimkiyi, fridzon ve loncarlı kadrosu ile önde görüyorum ama ekol takımı cantu da tüm yetenekli ellerini kaybetmesine rağmen (Vladimir Micov, Giorgi Shermadini, Greg Brunner, Andrea Cinciarini, Gianluca Basile, Doron Perkins) özelikle ikinci yarıdaki maçlarda öne çıkarsa dördü zorlayabilir.
fenerbahçe - real madrid - pana - khimki..
grupların en bankosu ya da garibanı B grubu...
Maccabi siler süpürür, nokta.
geçen seneyi euroleague kadar ligi de felaket ötesi kapatan Malaga da yeni oluşum senesindeki takımlardan; takımda kayıplardan çok gelenleri konuşabiliriz; Fran Vasques ve Kosta Peroviç en ses getirenleri, James Gist, özellikle fenerbahçede beklenenilenlerden daha az bir rol oynayağı için yeter ile ideal arasında, vidal ve dragiç önemli katkı yapacaktır.
Siena da deyim yerindeyse cantu gibi kapış kapış yapılan bir takım; (McCalebb, David Andersen, Shaun Stonerook, Nikos Zisis, Ksystof Lavrinoviç, Rimantas Kaukenas, Igor Rakoçeviç, Bootsy Thornton). bu iki takımın düştükleri grup cantunun aksine şeker, tam bir yeni takım geliştirme grubu; becerebilirse.. dört için en az birinin yer bulabileceğini düşünüyorum, malaga sienadan önce toplanacağı için sonraki tur için avantajlı.
alba chalon ve prokomun performansı tur biletlerini belirleyecek. kendi aralarındaki maçları çok kritik, daha kritik olanı ise malaga ve sienaya karşı yapacakları maçlar. çetin ceviz çıkarlarsa hepsi birlikte ilerler. alba berlini bir sonraki tur için avantajlı görüyorum, chalon ile çekişeceklerdir.
maccabbi - alba - malaga - chalon derim...
grupların en ölümcül olanı C grubu...
Armani geçen sene isminin ve beklentilerin altında kaldı. Tribünlerin çok sevdiği Hairston liderliğinde Omar Cook ve Maccabiden gelen Langford ile uyum sağlarsa çok hareketli hızlı ve keskin bir hücum takımı göreceğiz. geçen sene isminin altında oynayan ikiz kuleler Borusis ve Fotsis bu takıma borçlu, daha ağırlıklarını hissettireceklerdir. keza onların bu zaafı üzerine yine Maccabiden gelen Hendrix boyalı alan alternatifi olacak. yaşlı ve sonbaharında olsa da basile cantudaki üçlüklerine devam eder umarım.. kadro derinliği ise Melli ve Gentile ile zenginleştirildi.. görülen o ki, hedef F4. ulaşamasalar da zorlayacaklardır..
geçen senenin şampiyonu olimpiakos kadroyu koruyarak bile aslında takımlarda bu kadar çok değişimin olduğu bu seneye iddialı giriyor ama ivkoviç olmadan ne kadarı sahaya yansıyabilecek. belki de en zayıf karnında Keseljnin yanına / yerine Perperoglunu monte ettiler. Spanoulis liderliğinde yine F4 yolundalar.. ve evet ulaşamasalarda zorlayacaklardır..
efes pilsen oktay mahmuti'yi gönderdiğinden beri bence yıllardır berbatları oynuyor.. oktay mahmuti ile tekrar euroleague markası olma yolunda yürümek istiyorlar.. öncekli ihtiyaçları oyun kurucu ve pota altı olduğunu düşündüğüm takımda oyun kurucu rolü çok iyi toparlandı. maccabide avrupanın üstünde bir oyun oynayan farmar olabileceklerin en iyisi, kritik anlardaki üçlükleri nbae göre daha yavaş savunmalara karşı birebirleri ve oyun görüşü ile efesin yüzünü değiştirecektir. bununla da yetinmeyip jamon lucas getirildi ki, daha ne olsun; keremin de süre alacağını savunma yönünde de sinan ve doğuş ile katkı alınacağı düşünülürse; oldu be ya.. iyi oyun kurucu ile kapasitesinin keskinliğinin altında oynayan vujacic ve savanovic de kendini bulacaktır. burası da birkan ile desteklendi; bu genç çocuk fizik ve bitircilik olarak henüz bu seviyede olmasa da ateşleyici bir güç olacaktır; yeterki güvensinler, mahmutinin elinde daha da değerlenecek. malesef pota altı için aynı şeyleri söylemek zor, barac batista hatta semih erden size bitiricilik ve oyun olarak buranın ismi değil..
Zalgiris bir üst tur yolunda caja laborale göre avantajlı olacaktır. zagrep ise hafızalarda hoş bir seda olarak kalacaktır.
grupların en Dsi..
A grubu gibi burada ağır abiler bir arada; CSKA best of takımı son anda kaybedilen şampiyonlukla bir upgrade daha gördü. Krstiç Kaun ve Kryhapalı uzun rotasyonuna Beşiktaşın geçen yılki parlayan yıldızı Ercegde katıldı. biraz overrated bir aksiyon ama uzun vadede akıllıca bir alternatif. yine diğer patlama takımı cantudan da micov alınarak, bench katkısı ve vorontseviç'e alternatif yaratıldı. arada bir sapıtması dışında ismi üzerinde tartışılamayacak bir isim olan Teodosiç de bu sene daha olgun bir yıl geçirecek umuyorum. totale baktığımızda geçen senenin best of takımının ismen olmasa da pratikte daha iyi bir formata doğru gittiğini görüyoruz. F4 yolunda en büyük rakipleri geçen sene de olduğu gibi basit gördükleri maçlarda yaşayacağı konsantre kayıpları olacaktır.
Barcelona enteresan bir şekilde pota altında pota altının neredeyse tamamını kaybederek başlıyor; Maccabiye giden Vasquez ve Perovic GSye giden Ndong ante Tomic ve Jawai hamlesiyle kapatılmaya çalışıldı ama bu yama hangi seviyeye kadar tutar emin değilim, F4 yolundaki en büyük kayıp bu bence..
Geçen yılın peri masallarından birini yazan Beşiktaşın şansı devam ediyor. Grupta hala iki bilet var ve Beşiktaşın tecrübesiz ve bence yetersiz kadrosu en azından top 16 yı başarabilecek güçte.. kalan bileti brose basket bamberge vermek istiyorum ama bir ucundan da partizan tutuyor :(
grupların orta şekerlisi A grubu...
Fenerbahçe yeni takım kurarken kolay yolu seçti, takıma geçen yılın en iyi takımlarından ikisinin en iyi parçalarını, son yıllarında en isim yapmış hocalarından birini getirdi. neredeyse katılımcıların yarısının yeni takımlar kurarak geldiği ligde, adaptasyon sürecini kolay atlatabilirse F4 ün adaylarından biridir. Tabi bu noktada benim takdir ettiğim ve görmek istediğim yerli yabancı yeni ve genç oyuncularla bir ekol oluşturmak.. ama endüstriyel sporda netice önemli, ki ulaşılabilirse bu da takdire değer..
Grubun diğer ağır topu geçen sene olduğu gibi bu yılda F4 iddiasıyla gelen Madrid. Rudy Fernandez ile güçlenmiş olarak başlıyorlar, tecrübe ve takım uyumu en büyük avantajları.
AOKAda maç izlemiş birisi olarak taraftarı olduğum PANAnın Obradoviç olmadan tam bir takım olduğunu düşünemiyorum; üstüne bir de Calathes Sato ve Batisti kaybettiler hem de Fenerbahçeye; ama hala harika çocuk Diamantidise sahipler..
bir sonraki tur için benim favorim dördüncülükten Khimki.. eurocup şampiyonu khimkiyi, fridzon ve loncarlı kadrosu ile önde görüyorum ama ekol takımı cantu da tüm yetenekli ellerini kaybetmesine rağmen (Vladimir Micov, Giorgi Shermadini, Greg Brunner, Andrea Cinciarini, Gianluca Basile, Doron Perkins) özelikle ikinci yarıdaki maçlarda öne çıkarsa dördü zorlayabilir.
fenerbahçe - real madrid - pana - khimki..
grupların en bankosu ya da garibanı B grubu...
Maccabi siler süpürür, nokta.
geçen seneyi euroleague kadar ligi de felaket ötesi kapatan Malaga da yeni oluşum senesindeki takımlardan; takımda kayıplardan çok gelenleri konuşabiliriz; Fran Vasques ve Kosta Peroviç en ses getirenleri, James Gist, özellikle fenerbahçede beklenenilenlerden daha az bir rol oynayağı için yeter ile ideal arasında, vidal ve dragiç önemli katkı yapacaktır.
Siena da deyim yerindeyse cantu gibi kapış kapış yapılan bir takım; (McCalebb, David Andersen, Shaun Stonerook, Nikos Zisis, Ksystof Lavrinoviç, Rimantas Kaukenas, Igor Rakoçeviç, Bootsy Thornton). bu iki takımın düştükleri grup cantunun aksine şeker, tam bir yeni takım geliştirme grubu; becerebilirse.. dört için en az birinin yer bulabileceğini düşünüyorum, malaga sienadan önce toplanacağı için sonraki tur için avantajlı.
alba chalon ve prokomun performansı tur biletlerini belirleyecek. kendi aralarındaki maçları çok kritik, daha kritik olanı ise malaga ve sienaya karşı yapacakları maçlar. çetin ceviz çıkarlarsa hepsi birlikte ilerler. alba berlini bir sonraki tur için avantajlı görüyorum, chalon ile çekişeceklerdir.
maccabbi - alba - malaga - chalon derim...
grupların en ölümcül olanı C grubu...
Armani geçen sene isminin ve beklentilerin altında kaldı. Tribünlerin çok sevdiği Hairston liderliğinde Omar Cook ve Maccabiden gelen Langford ile uyum sağlarsa çok hareketli hızlı ve keskin bir hücum takımı göreceğiz. geçen sene isminin altında oynayan ikiz kuleler Borusis ve Fotsis bu takıma borçlu, daha ağırlıklarını hissettireceklerdir. keza onların bu zaafı üzerine yine Maccabiden gelen Hendrix boyalı alan alternatifi olacak. yaşlı ve sonbaharında olsa da basile cantudaki üçlüklerine devam eder umarım.. kadro derinliği ise Melli ve Gentile ile zenginleştirildi.. görülen o ki, hedef F4. ulaşamasalar da zorlayacaklardır..
geçen senenin şampiyonu olimpiakos kadroyu koruyarak bile aslında takımlarda bu kadar çok değişimin olduğu bu seneye iddialı giriyor ama ivkoviç olmadan ne kadarı sahaya yansıyabilecek. belki de en zayıf karnında Keseljnin yanına / yerine Perperoglunu monte ettiler. Spanoulis liderliğinde yine F4 yolundalar.. ve evet ulaşamasalarda zorlayacaklardır..
efes pilsen oktay mahmuti'yi gönderdiğinden beri bence yıllardır berbatları oynuyor.. oktay mahmuti ile tekrar euroleague markası olma yolunda yürümek istiyorlar.. öncekli ihtiyaçları oyun kurucu ve pota altı olduğunu düşündüğüm takımda oyun kurucu rolü çok iyi toparlandı. maccabide avrupanın üstünde bir oyun oynayan farmar olabileceklerin en iyisi, kritik anlardaki üçlükleri nbae göre daha yavaş savunmalara karşı birebirleri ve oyun görüşü ile efesin yüzünü değiştirecektir. bununla da yetinmeyip jamon lucas getirildi ki, daha ne olsun; keremin de süre alacağını savunma yönünde de sinan ve doğuş ile katkı alınacağı düşünülürse; oldu be ya.. iyi oyun kurucu ile kapasitesinin keskinliğinin altında oynayan vujacic ve savanovic de kendini bulacaktır. burası da birkan ile desteklendi; bu genç çocuk fizik ve bitircilik olarak henüz bu seviyede olmasa da ateşleyici bir güç olacaktır; yeterki güvensinler, mahmutinin elinde daha da değerlenecek. malesef pota altı için aynı şeyleri söylemek zor, barac batista hatta semih erden size bitiricilik ve oyun olarak buranın ismi değil..
Zalgiris bir üst tur yolunda caja laborale göre avantajlı olacaktır. zagrep ise hafızalarda hoş bir seda olarak kalacaktır.
grupların en Dsi..
A grubu gibi burada ağır abiler bir arada; CSKA best of takımı son anda kaybedilen şampiyonlukla bir upgrade daha gördü. Krstiç Kaun ve Kryhapalı uzun rotasyonuna Beşiktaşın geçen yılki parlayan yıldızı Ercegde katıldı. biraz overrated bir aksiyon ama uzun vadede akıllıca bir alternatif. yine diğer patlama takımı cantudan da micov alınarak, bench katkısı ve vorontseviç'e alternatif yaratıldı. arada bir sapıtması dışında ismi üzerinde tartışılamayacak bir isim olan Teodosiç de bu sene daha olgun bir yıl geçirecek umuyorum. totale baktığımızda geçen senenin best of takımının ismen olmasa da pratikte daha iyi bir formata doğru gittiğini görüyoruz. F4 yolunda en büyük rakipleri geçen sene de olduğu gibi basit gördükleri maçlarda yaşayacağı konsantre kayıpları olacaktır.
Barcelona enteresan bir şekilde pota altında pota altının neredeyse tamamını kaybederek başlıyor; Maccabiye giden Vasquez ve Perovic GSye giden Ndong ante Tomic ve Jawai hamlesiyle kapatılmaya çalışıldı ama bu yama hangi seviyeye kadar tutar emin değilim, F4 yolundaki en büyük kayıp bu bence..
Geçen yılın peri masallarından birini yazan Beşiktaşın şansı devam ediyor. Grupta hala iki bilet var ve Beşiktaşın tecrübesiz ve bence yetersiz kadrosu en azından top 16 yı başarabilecek güçte.. kalan bileti brose basket bamberge vermek istiyorum ama bir ucundan da partizan tutuyor :(
30 Ekim 2012 Salı
WTA Championships 2012 - İstanbul
WTA Championships 2012 - İstanbul
Last year I was in a business trip so I couldnt be a part of the show, i regret..

I already queued in Wimbledon (and took part in ground courts, watched Ana as well as Williams sisters and also legendary Nahut/Isner match) and drove more than hundred km to see Clijsters on court, hence This year it was inevitable, unavoidable; so yes, I was right there, I was just one of the 16.000 (per day)witnesses.

I was on the court on the first day of the show; if you check the picture below, you would easily get that I was lucky enough to grap an enviable seat :)
If you are talking about a Championship tournament, I believe that round Robin tours are the most favorite. You could watch 3 matches played by 6 players of the top 8 seeds; and most probably one or two will be your dream players..
The programme of the first day was as follows below.
Petra Kvitova (4) - Agnieszka Radwanska (6)
Serena Williams (3) - Angelique Kerber (5)

Maria Sharapova (2) - Sara Errani (7)

Kvitova - Radwanska, match up of the new generation stars, was a good start for the audience. Winner of 2011 Wimbledon and surprisingly WTA 2011 İstanbul, Kvitova was become a brand last year and continued her journey at the first half of 2012, grabing an australian and french open semifinals; however, she was going down since summer, this was a good chance for a good finish.. Radwanska is the runner up of wimbledon 2012 and winner of 3 titles this year, but still not sustainable especially in grand slams..
Kvitova was not seem to be mentally and physically ready for the tournament, since then we learned that she has withdrawn from the challenge due to a viral infection and replaced by Samantha Stosur. Maybe, thats why, we could not see her fast and heavy left hand serves.. Radwanska, as usual, reflected her agressive and persistant play on the court.
First set is played in 3 game sessions ;) Radwanska speed up to 3-0 then Kvitova even games to 3-3 final word is given by Aga as 6-3.
In the second set, Kvitova dropped first two service games, but was able to break back once; however being not so threating for Aga, she was defeated in two sets; 6-3 6-2.
As many would know, Radwanska is famous for her crouching shots (a sort of overhead backhand for low balls), and she was so generous for giving examples of this throughout the match.
Second match up for the night was Kerber - Serena.. Kerber is an underrated tennis player who could realize her breakthrough lately, especially since 2011 and this result in 2 WTA titles and a rank 5. Serena Williams is now in her 3rd "reich" since mid 2012 after the health complications in 2011 (1st term 1999-2003; 2nd term 2007-2010) reaching her career Grand Slam in 2012 Summer olympics together with her 14 & 15 th Grand Slam singles titles and 13th Grand Slam doubles title. (consider 2 grand slam mixed doubles and 3 WTA Titles (including WTA 2012 İstanbul)
Kerber showed that she was quite excited even during the introduction interview with her shivery voice :) On the other hand, Serena was cold like a piece of steel, motivated and concentrated, which even express an arrogant look.

Serena stormed this excited little girl with serves and winner at the beginning of the play and reached easily 3-0.
However, Kerber came back thanks to relieved game of Serena, and clapping audience 3-3
In the end, serena break Kerbers serve once again for 6-4.
Second set was totally under Serena dominance without a space for Kerber to resist..
Serena has a massive physical advantage against her opponents
Serena Airways presents: High Speed Serves
The final of the night was quite assertive as well, a revenge of the French open final ;)
Sharapova has completed her come back session this year after the shoulder issues in 2007-2010 period winning French open and completing her career grand slam ( 6th women player in open era ) as well as an olympic title (silver against serena williams).
Errani is storming in 2012, she reached her peak during clay court period and in doubles she set a dominance forming an italian team with her partner Roberta Vinci and claimed 2 titles and a final in grand slams.
Both started inconsistent with their serves and game; so long rallies resulted in long games took place.
They went on serve until Errani failed to convert either break point at 15–40 on the Sharapova serve. MaSha then broke serve at the eight game and and closed it out 6–3.
Sharapova then carried on into the second set winning it 6–2.
Here below you could watch the opening game of the match:
Princess Maria Sharapova - Opening game against Sera Errani @ WTA Champs 23/10/12
Player Head to Head statistics:

Eminönü - İstanbul
Last year I was in a business trip so I couldnt be a part of the show, i regret..

I already queued in Wimbledon (and took part in ground courts, watched Ana as well as Williams sisters and also legendary Nahut/Isner match) and drove more than hundred km to see Clijsters on court, hence This year it was inevitable, unavoidable; so yes, I was right there, I was just one of the 16.000 (per day)witnesses.
I was on the court on the first day of the show; if you check the picture below, you would easily get that I was lucky enough to grap an enviable seat :)
If you are talking about a Championship tournament, I believe that round Robin tours are the most favorite. You could watch 3 matches played by 6 players of the top 8 seeds; and most probably one or two will be your dream players..
The programme of the first day was as follows below.
Petra Kvitova (4) - Agnieszka Radwanska (6)
Serena Williams (3) - Angelique Kerber (5)
Maria Sharapova (2) - Sara Errani (7)
Kvitova - Radwanska, match up of the new generation stars, was a good start for the audience. Winner of 2011 Wimbledon and surprisingly WTA 2011 İstanbul, Kvitova was become a brand last year and continued her journey at the first half of 2012, grabing an australian and french open semifinals; however, she was going down since summer, this was a good chance for a good finish.. Radwanska is the runner up of wimbledon 2012 and winner of 3 titles this year, but still not sustainable especially in grand slams..
Kvitova was not seem to be mentally and physically ready for the tournament, since then we learned that she has withdrawn from the challenge due to a viral infection and replaced by Samantha Stosur. Maybe, thats why, we could not see her fast and heavy left hand serves.. Radwanska, as usual, reflected her agressive and persistant play on the court.
First set is played in 3 game sessions ;) Radwanska speed up to 3-0 then Kvitova even games to 3-3 final word is given by Aga as 6-3.
In the second set, Kvitova dropped first two service games, but was able to break back once; however being not so threating for Aga, she was defeated in two sets; 6-3 6-2.
As many would know, Radwanska is famous for her crouching shots (a sort of overhead backhand for low balls), and she was so generous for giving examples of this throughout the match.
Second match up for the night was Kerber - Serena.. Kerber is an underrated tennis player who could realize her breakthrough lately, especially since 2011 and this result in 2 WTA titles and a rank 5. Serena Williams is now in her 3rd "reich" since mid 2012 after the health complications in 2011 (1st term 1999-2003; 2nd term 2007-2010) reaching her career Grand Slam in 2012 Summer olympics together with her 14 & 15 th Grand Slam singles titles and 13th Grand Slam doubles title. (consider 2 grand slam mixed doubles and 3 WTA Titles (including WTA 2012 İstanbul)
Kerber showed that she was quite excited even during the introduction interview with her shivery voice :) On the other hand, Serena was cold like a piece of steel, motivated and concentrated, which even express an arrogant look.
Serena stormed this excited little girl with serves and winner at the beginning of the play and reached easily 3-0.
However, Kerber came back thanks to relieved game of Serena, and clapping audience 3-3
In the end, serena break Kerbers serve once again for 6-4.
Second set was totally under Serena dominance without a space for Kerber to resist..
Hence, Serena got the second set and match in straight games 6-1.
Serena has a massive physical advantage against her opponents
Serena Airways presents: High Speed Serves
The final of the night was quite assertive as well, a revenge of the French open final ;)
Errani is storming in 2012, she reached her peak during clay court period and in doubles she set a dominance forming an italian team with her partner Roberta Vinci and claimed 2 titles and a final in grand slams.
Both started inconsistent with their serves and game; so long rallies resulted in long games took place.
They went on serve until Errani failed to convert either break point at 15–40 on the Sharapova serve. MaSha then broke serve at the eight game and and closed it out 6–3.
Sharapova then carried on into the second set winning it 6–2.
Here below you could watch the opening game of the match:
Princess Maria Sharapova - Opening game against Sera Errani @ WTA Champs 23/10/12
Player Head to Head statistics:
Galata Tower - İstanbul
Eminönü - İstanbul
28 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi
ROLAND Garros 2k12 - french open
It is a general truth that Wimbledon and French open are the most counting Grand Slams other than ordinary Aussi and USA open no matter the organisation and the game is extraordinary. For me, It is the time for the most glorious moment of the Grand Slams; because the contribution of the powerful services is less, because it requires more talent and risk to play service volley, because we will be watching longer rallies even in some cases get bored but still we will not take our eyes otherwise we will not be able to catch the ultimate winner, and finally because at all circumctances unless you get washed in clay you will not earn a tint of point and respect.
==> Men..
Upper Table..
Djoker owns the 1st quarter, but the path is full of tiring obstacles for him as if he is not the very first seed. Possibly 4th round will be the first important test for him against verdasco. The counter part of the Q1 is more challenging, Djokers quarter final opponent will come from good series of big games. I assume 3rd round of the bottom table in Q1 will be a tough challenge between 11th seed Simon of France against Wavrinka (14); Simon doesnt have much credit in recent years; however, i pay him more attention against wavrinka, who is a middle stage player always hanging around 3rd-4th rounds in France. The winner then will find Tsonga in 4th round. I expect to see Simon against Djoker in quarter final, if he would explode as i foresee otherwise any ordinary Tsonga performance would knock him down to face Djoker in the quarters. Federer is in Qs as the third seed having Roddick in the sub groups. However, I expect Nahut to knock Andy down and face Roger in the 4th round. The sub patterns will be dominated by del Potro (9) (only if he doesnt get injured) and Berdechy (7), and their game will be the best 4th round match. I expect Berdechy to grab a win over Roger in the quarter final to face Djoker. On the other hand, these are just the words hard to turn into action if we talk about Federer.
Bottom of the table.
This is maybe the most average table formation of all men and women classification. Q3 is so inattractive that only the quarter final match of ferrer (6) and Murray (4) would be worth to watch. Another important match will be in the fourth round of upper sub group between Ferrer to Isner, and that is the only possible gamet hat is open to discussion and surprise. Q4 is also an underdog area. I am afraid Nadal will not even get tired up to the final of the whole bottom table. Just a foot note to those who will check in Nadal matches, he will confront two players of not clay court but service play; and old bot Ivo Karlovic and a new comer Raonic. These matches would take to longer matches but anyhow Nadal win at the end is unavoidable.
==> Women..
Upper Table.. Combining the two facts; challenging natrue of the clay court and womens independable tennis performance, i’m aware that the below comments are nothing but the notes to the infinite time. Anyway.. Here is the Upper table.. Azarenka of the Q1 will go straight to the quarter final possibly passing by Cibulkova in the fourth. She was storming in the beginning of the season but the clay performance is not so shining although she grabbed two finals. This is alarming since the bottom of the Q1 is also housing a shining star Lisicki (12) and big name of Aussii Stosur(6). As all would know, she is challenging in clay maybe a talent coming from birth J. If Vika shows up with an ordinary girl as she play ed in recent finals, Stosur would storm her out. Last but not least I would cheer for Lisicki among those firl fellas. Q2 is also whirling. Alla re underdog against Radwanska of 3rd seed but is Aga aware of the fact that she is a top seed? I believe Venus is eager to call her name on the spots once again by challenging her; the next stop Kuznetsova also would challenge this Aga to jump back to top list of wta. Bottom pack of the Q2 I expect Ivanovic (13) to face Kerber (10) in the fourth. The second round will let Ana to take the revenge of last years Wimbledon against Peer (not for her but for the sake of me maybe – I was the only hell one to shout for Ana and she sank down against Peer). Ana seems to regain her fitness which would make her move on the court improved, i believe she will follow all rallies up to the last shot. Then it will be easier to pass Errani in the 3rd to stand against Kerber.
Bottom of the table.. I dont like the players of the Q3 at all; but Li Na (7) is the name quarter eventough she doesnt seem to be quite ready. She would fire up straight to the four to meet Zvonerava. The result of this meeting would lead to a half final considering that the opponent from the Q3 in quarter final will be Schiavone (14) – Jankovic winner. Kvitova is not mentioned in the listings so she would be the underdog surprise of the quarter for sure. Q4 is the most challenging group of all both men and women. It is a shame of the table configuration that Williams and Sharapova are here– both stars of the recent WTA period; in addition to that former top seed beloved Wozniacki girl is her. Wozniacki might be considered as the only obstacle for Serena on the quarter final road (instead of injuries which are more possible than any defeat she would face in this tournament) where she will meet the Masha for the sake of title. There is minor problem on Sharapovas way, Pavluchenkova, but as we consider that she is burning like hell even after Aussi Open, case closed, she will be in quarters against serena. Thats the problem, MAsha couldnt eliminated serena for years. Cheers for Maria by heart and soul. And I believe the winner will also claim the title here.
let the game begin..
It is a general truth that Wimbledon and French open are the most counting Grand Slams other than ordinary Aussi and USA open no matter the organisation and the game is extraordinary. For me, It is the time for the most glorious moment of the Grand Slams; because the contribution of the powerful services is less, because it requires more talent and risk to play service volley, because we will be watching longer rallies even in some cases get bored but still we will not take our eyes otherwise we will not be able to catch the ultimate winner, and finally because at all circumctances unless you get washed in clay you will not earn a tint of point and respect.
==> Men..
Upper Table..
Djoker owns the 1st quarter, but the path is full of tiring obstacles for him as if he is not the very first seed. Possibly 4th round will be the first important test for him against verdasco. The counter part of the Q1 is more challenging, Djokers quarter final opponent will come from good series of big games. I assume 3rd round of the bottom table in Q1 will be a tough challenge between 11th seed Simon of France against Wavrinka (14); Simon doesnt have much credit in recent years; however, i pay him more attention against wavrinka, who is a middle stage player always hanging around 3rd-4th rounds in France. The winner then will find Tsonga in 4th round. I expect to see Simon against Djoker in quarter final, if he would explode as i foresee otherwise any ordinary Tsonga performance would knock him down to face Djoker in the quarters. Federer is in Qs as the third seed having Roddick in the sub groups. However, I expect Nahut to knock Andy down and face Roger in the 4th round. The sub patterns will be dominated by del Potro (9) (only if he doesnt get injured) and Berdechy (7), and their game will be the best 4th round match. I expect Berdechy to grab a win over Roger in the quarter final to face Djoker. On the other hand, these are just the words hard to turn into action if we talk about Federer.
Bottom of the table.
This is maybe the most average table formation of all men and women classification. Q3 is so inattractive that only the quarter final match of ferrer (6) and Murray (4) would be worth to watch. Another important match will be in the fourth round of upper sub group between Ferrer to Isner, and that is the only possible gamet hat is open to discussion and surprise. Q4 is also an underdog area. I am afraid Nadal will not even get tired up to the final of the whole bottom table. Just a foot note to those who will check in Nadal matches, he will confront two players of not clay court but service play; and old bot Ivo Karlovic and a new comer Raonic. These matches would take to longer matches but anyhow Nadal win at the end is unavoidable.
==> Women..
Upper Table.. Combining the two facts; challenging natrue of the clay court and womens independable tennis performance, i’m aware that the below comments are nothing but the notes to the infinite time. Anyway.. Here is the Upper table.. Azarenka of the Q1 will go straight to the quarter final possibly passing by Cibulkova in the fourth. She was storming in the beginning of the season but the clay performance is not so shining although she grabbed two finals. This is alarming since the bottom of the Q1 is also housing a shining star Lisicki (12) and big name of Aussii Stosur(6). As all would know, she is challenging in clay maybe a talent coming from birth J. If Vika shows up with an ordinary girl as she play ed in recent finals, Stosur would storm her out. Last but not least I would cheer for Lisicki among those firl fellas. Q2 is also whirling. Alla re underdog against Radwanska of 3rd seed but is Aga aware of the fact that she is a top seed? I believe Venus is eager to call her name on the spots once again by challenging her; the next stop Kuznetsova also would challenge this Aga to jump back to top list of wta. Bottom pack of the Q2 I expect Ivanovic (13) to face Kerber (10) in the fourth. The second round will let Ana to take the revenge of last years Wimbledon against Peer (not for her but for the sake of me maybe – I was the only hell one to shout for Ana and she sank down against Peer). Ana seems to regain her fitness which would make her move on the court improved, i believe she will follow all rallies up to the last shot. Then it will be easier to pass Errani in the 3rd to stand against Kerber.
Bottom of the table.. I dont like the players of the Q3 at all; but Li Na (7) is the name quarter eventough she doesnt seem to be quite ready. She would fire up straight to the four to meet Zvonerava. The result of this meeting would lead to a half final considering that the opponent from the Q3 in quarter final will be Schiavone (14) – Jankovic winner. Kvitova is not mentioned in the listings so she would be the underdog surprise of the quarter for sure. Q4 is the most challenging group of all both men and women. It is a shame of the table configuration that Williams and Sharapova are here– both stars of the recent WTA period; in addition to that former top seed beloved Wozniacki girl is her. Wozniacki might be considered as the only obstacle for Serena on the quarter final road (instead of injuries which are more possible than any defeat she would face in this tournament) where she will meet the Masha for the sake of title. There is minor problem on Sharapovas way, Pavluchenkova, but as we consider that she is burning like hell even after Aussi Open, case closed, she will be in quarters against serena. Thats the problem, MAsha couldnt eliminated serena for years. Cheers for Maria by heart and soul. And I believe the winner will also claim the title here.
let the game begin..
27 Mayıs 2012 Pazar
NBA Finals
NBA Conference Finals 2K12
There was no great deals in the first rounds other than the dramatical injury of the Rose of Bulls which resulted in the defeat of conference leader. Another surprise to me was the Lakers against Denver with 4-3 win, i expected pretty shorter serie. Memphis was the only mess i missed the target, they would be a great match up for SA Spurs.
Throughout the second round to the conference final, it was quite straight for the west coast and this time it was tougher for the east. Clippers was not a measure for SAS class, however i hoped Lakers would push Oklohoma to the edge after having seen the young fellas confronted difficulty in front of Dallas; but maybe because of the tiring previous round or it is the time for a further change in Lakers, they just flagged out quite easily. Having lost Bosh boy of the Big 3 due to an abdominal strain, Miami is just stepped back against Indiana and the Pacers gang just hoped forward with a road and home win and lead the serie 1-2 to the fourth game in Indiana. Without Bosh on the court and Wade not playing as himself (5 !! points in 3rd game), LeBron was again into a position of being annouonced cursed. But the King turned the MVP mode on and showed a 40-18-9 and 30-10-8 performance not only made a winning comeback but bringing D-Wade back to life by pushing him to show up on the court. On the other eastern clash, the serie is ended up on game 7, not because of the quality of the game but the floating level of Old boys performance. Being the worst team of east, even maybe the whole playoff participant teams, 76 ers was the most luckiest one. they were just a quarter apart the conference final thanx to first Rose and celtics.
Now, lets give a look at the conference finals; SASpurs vs OCThunder & Miami vs Celtics...
Old boys of the SAS played the season as if they bathed in fountain of eternity and youth. For such a team, the playoffs was for sure like a play park against unquestioned underdog opponents, and as a machine comprised of great professionals and a big boss they swept up both teams. For those who havent been beaten even forced for a long time (18-0 for recent months) The conference final is the first stop to be tested. Oklohoma also were not subjected to quite important tests but anyhow they showed us that they are neither too young nor unexperienced as last year at the decision points of the Dallas and Lakers series. so there will be blood !! Both teams are quite satisfying in the short posisitons and Thunder step forward in the 4-5.. Other advantage for Thunder is that, This serie might be the easiest one for Durant since Leonard is even not near to defend him. They will use their rotation to slow down him only. the advantage of SAS coming from their nature (Age) is, the power of the rotation and bench; Diaw Bonner Ginobili vs Harden. Considering the importance of being a team, SAS is an elite class. They are well organised and have the differentiated skills to deal with different requirements throughout the game. 1-4/5 Pick n Roll game is the main stream with Parker (one of the best in terms of game sight while rolling the ball) but they have both the snipers and drillers. On the other hand, Thunder is a team of limited responsibilities, 1-2-3+harden are responsible for offense in turn and by improvisation; the penetrative offense is the highest priority. 4-5 are quite limited to defense. This limited variation in the game eliminates the advantage of being young for Oklohoma. I would tell that this will not result in quite soon. SAS by heart and soul in 6 or maybe 7 since I respect old boys and believe that young fellas have quite much time to dominate the game in the future.
Note: In the Post Jordan period of 15 years, west is dominated by SAS, Lakers and Dallas. It is this year those big 3 members confronted Oklohoma this year, two were defeated and yet the last one is still standing. If SAS falls, this will be the beginning of a new era.
No need to talk much on the East coast. Miami and the King James (and lately Wade) showed how much they desire the title no matter they have limited bench or short / long term losses. And they have a limited opponent, which makes the story easier -on the paper- with respect to the second round run against Indiana. But here is the fact, celtics are the counterpart of the SAS formation in the east; they are experienced so they will not be scattered out if the things would go out of plan, they are unexpected so there is always a risk of explosion of Ray, Pierce, Rondo and Garnett as they decide to take the initiative. Miami should push them hard and rigorously without decreasing the tempo of the game. This is the key point to keep celtics power and hope down. if the things turn into set defense/offense, celtics will then have the chance to keep their energy calm and also put a steady play on the both side of the court against Miami. In set offense, James is the solely name for the creativety in offense, this results in generally either he forces consistently which becomes easier to defend or he assists which results in a long term disaster because of the fact that there is no dependable scorer other than Wade for the inner court and the 3 pointers are not quite effective every day. Bosh should not be risked unless the serie would go 1-2 to the forth game. I think it will be 4-2 Miami, 1 for Rondo 1 for Garnett/Pierce but a HEAT sweep is also possible.
See you at the finals.
There was no great deals in the first rounds other than the dramatical injury of the Rose of Bulls which resulted in the defeat of conference leader. Another surprise to me was the Lakers against Denver with 4-3 win, i expected pretty shorter serie. Memphis was the only mess i missed the target, they would be a great match up for SA Spurs.
Throughout the second round to the conference final, it was quite straight for the west coast and this time it was tougher for the east. Clippers was not a measure for SAS class, however i hoped Lakers would push Oklohoma to the edge after having seen the young fellas confronted difficulty in front of Dallas; but maybe because of the tiring previous round or it is the time for a further change in Lakers, they just flagged out quite easily. Having lost Bosh boy of the Big 3 due to an abdominal strain, Miami is just stepped back against Indiana and the Pacers gang just hoped forward with a road and home win and lead the serie 1-2 to the fourth game in Indiana. Without Bosh on the court and Wade not playing as himself (5 !! points in 3rd game), LeBron was again into a position of being annouonced cursed. But the King turned the MVP mode on and showed a 40-18-9 and 30-10-8 performance not only made a winning comeback but bringing D-Wade back to life by pushing him to show up on the court. On the other eastern clash, the serie is ended up on game 7, not because of the quality of the game but the floating level of Old boys performance. Being the worst team of east, even maybe the whole playoff participant teams, 76 ers was the most luckiest one. they were just a quarter apart the conference final thanx to first Rose and celtics.
Now, lets give a look at the conference finals; SASpurs vs OCThunder & Miami vs Celtics...
Old boys of the SAS played the season as if they bathed in fountain of eternity and youth. For such a team, the playoffs was for sure like a play park against unquestioned underdog opponents, and as a machine comprised of great professionals and a big boss they swept up both teams. For those who havent been beaten even forced for a long time (18-0 for recent months) The conference final is the first stop to be tested. Oklohoma also were not subjected to quite important tests but anyhow they showed us that they are neither too young nor unexperienced as last year at the decision points of the Dallas and Lakers series. so there will be blood !! Both teams are quite satisfying in the short posisitons and Thunder step forward in the 4-5.. Other advantage for Thunder is that, This serie might be the easiest one for Durant since Leonard is even not near to defend him. They will use their rotation to slow down him only. the advantage of SAS coming from their nature (Age) is, the power of the rotation and bench; Diaw Bonner Ginobili vs Harden. Considering the importance of being a team, SAS is an elite class. They are well organised and have the differentiated skills to deal with different requirements throughout the game. 1-4/5 Pick n Roll game is the main stream with Parker (one of the best in terms of game sight while rolling the ball) but they have both the snipers and drillers. On the other hand, Thunder is a team of limited responsibilities, 1-2-3+harden are responsible for offense in turn and by improvisation; the penetrative offense is the highest priority. 4-5 are quite limited to defense. This limited variation in the game eliminates the advantage of being young for Oklohoma. I would tell that this will not result in quite soon. SAS by heart and soul in 6 or maybe 7 since I respect old boys and believe that young fellas have quite much time to dominate the game in the future.
Note: In the Post Jordan period of 15 years, west is dominated by SAS, Lakers and Dallas. It is this year those big 3 members confronted Oklohoma this year, two were defeated and yet the last one is still standing. If SAS falls, this will be the beginning of a new era.
No need to talk much on the East coast. Miami and the King James (and lately Wade) showed how much they desire the title no matter they have limited bench or short / long term losses. And they have a limited opponent, which makes the story easier -on the paper- with respect to the second round run against Indiana. But here is the fact, celtics are the counterpart of the SAS formation in the east; they are experienced so they will not be scattered out if the things would go out of plan, they are unexpected so there is always a risk of explosion of Ray, Pierce, Rondo and Garnett as they decide to take the initiative. Miami should push them hard and rigorously without decreasing the tempo of the game. This is the key point to keep celtics power and hope down. if the things turn into set defense/offense, celtics will then have the chance to keep their energy calm and also put a steady play on the both side of the court against Miami. In set offense, James is the solely name for the creativety in offense, this results in generally either he forces consistently which becomes easier to defend or he assists which results in a long term disaster because of the fact that there is no dependable scorer other than Wade for the inner court and the 3 pointers are not quite effective every day. Bosh should not be risked unless the serie would go 1-2 to the forth game. I think it will be 4-2 Miami, 1 for Rondo 1 for Garnett/Pierce but a HEAT sweep is also possible.
See you at the finals.
29 Nisan 2012 Pazar
NBA 2K12 - Playoffs / Gods of the Arena
what's done in the last 6 months time is done, it's all over.. there are no back to backs.. or concentration or capacity problems due to the intensity of the calender.. there will be intensity of the game.. defense will be stifling, offense will be lethal.. hammer dunks will be echod deeper.. 16 teams with one goal ad astra per aspera*. Let the game begin fullthrottle..
Meir21's video compilation for Playoffs.. follow him on twitter @meir21

Bulls - Sixers
three words: Bulls in Five..
Bulls played without Rose pretty long time, and meanwhile learned to make this in quite right manner grabbing the lead since they have the greastest bench of the east.. however, they absolutely need Rose for the rest of the way.. Although they finished 1st, the path to the conference title is more challenging than Miami..Even In case Rose can not reach his statistics, this series would end in 6 considering the fact that the regular season match was 2-1 bulls.
Both teams have athletic players on the offense and defense side of the court so I assume scores would go around 90s. Phily should be tougher in defense side, remember that Bulls swept all opponents in all matches they scored +100 (22-0), and bad news for sixers they lost 11/12 matches as the opponent scored +100.
Heat - Knicks
Knicks formed a little version of Big 3, Chandler added much to Knicks defense, Carmelo turned into a tornado in April.. bla bla bla.. or from the miami side, they dont have a dependable bench, big 3 was disturbed with injuries in april etc.. these are all stories, and knicks should add plenty of things to their name so as to challenge Miami.. Neither LeBron - Carmelo nor Bosh - Amare match ups can be considered as fair, even if it would be so then Wade will be the free lance assassin of the day.. bench is the only fact, Knicks dominates but the decision point will not depend on that parameter at this stage. as in regular season where Knicks swept by 3-0, Heat will crush them out. Lets give a game for the name of Carmelo.. Heat in 4 or 4,5 :)
Pacers - Orlando
Pacers is the 3rd in east and 5th of the NBA.. George Hill-Granger-Paul George are predatory drivers of the team with acceptable level of talls. on the paper, the scale is totally facing to Pacers. Without superman Orlando absolutely needs a Magic. and this could only realized by 3s, raining 3s cats and dog will prevent Pacers to take the score far away. furthermore, 9-10 hits on the target for sure with around 40% would lead to a Magic. they have this potential -J.Rich, J.J.Redick, Nelson, Hedo- as they had always (R.Lewis as before). Davis is just recovered from injury, if he gives up, the rim will be pacers game area. 6th man Ryan might be a plus as well. anyhow, Pacers in 6 in a real world. (in regular season, it was Pacers 3-1).
Boston - Atlanta
Lords of the clovers. you might have nothing but respect for Celtics. they are all veterans rolling on the floor; snake eyes KG is now responsible for the C following all giants securing the area; Perkins Davis and Oneal; Pierce one more time leads the gang; Ray goes on hitting the bullseye with high %. On the other hand, bad boys Atlanta, likes to be here around in recent years. Yet couldnt make it end in a final but last year made a good start by defeating Magic. Josh boy is on fire and JJ doesnt want to let his last chance to fly away. One of the most important but misty matchup. lets see, 6 even 7 is possible but Boston by heart and soul. (Boston beat Atlanta 2-1 in regular season)

Spurs - Jazz
The oldest team against the youngest. As long as Duncan-Ginobili-Parker are on air, the result will not be a surprise. Spurs defeated in the first round in last two years, one in last year was unavoidable against big shadows of grizzlies, they are all two years older but plays as if they are younger; in addition to that this time they are all healthier, wiser, and winner. Another point of respect, Spurs turned into a offense team last year at that age at that intense season. Jazz will try to withstand in the rim but Spurs bedevils the front players for sure. Spurs who won 3 of 4 matches in regular season with not much difficulty -last one without Duncan,Ginobili,Parker- would go to next round in 4 at most 5.
Thunder - Maverics
Thunder was burning like hell but ended up 6-4, while Mavs were playing impervious throughout the season. For sure loosing Chandler and getting one year older might take away some but not as much as we see throughout the season. Playoffs would bring the soul back in the team Dallas only if they are not satisfied with one ring. 1 for Nowitzki 1 for Carlisle so Thunder in 6.
Lakers - Denver
After trade deadline, Lakers didnt only get rid of trade stories on Gasol but also gained Sessions. Since then they become more assertive for at least conference final but with again no result; 14-8. They have all instead of a dependable bench, only explanation might be they were waiting for the playoffs. But one should remember they played against +0,500 teams 45/66 matches. Lakers will play in the paint whereas Denver as usual will make a run run offense to speed up the game both for the sake of paralyzing two towers and exhausting Kobe. However, this is not worked out in regular season (3/4 Lakers), which means Denver is not the competitor that would challenge them. Kobe in 5.
Grizzlies - Clippers
The most interesting match up. Clush of the titans. Gay-Gasol-Randolph against Griffin.. Grizzlies are already looking for San Antonio for the final :) Memphis in at most 6 considering regular season matchup (2-1 Grizzlies)
let the game begin..
*(to the stars through difficulty)
what's done in the last 6 months time is done, it's all over.. there are no back to backs.. or concentration or capacity problems due to the intensity of the calender.. there will be intensity of the game.. defense will be stifling, offense will be lethal.. hammer dunks will be echod deeper.. 16 teams with one goal ad astra per aspera*. Let the game begin fullthrottle..
Meir21's video compilation for Playoffs.. follow him on twitter @meir21

Bulls - Sixers
three words: Bulls in Five..
Bulls played without Rose pretty long time, and meanwhile learned to make this in quite right manner grabbing the lead since they have the greastest bench of the east.. however, they absolutely need Rose for the rest of the way.. Although they finished 1st, the path to the conference title is more challenging than Miami..Even In case Rose can not reach his statistics, this series would end in 6 considering the fact that the regular season match was 2-1 bulls.
Both teams have athletic players on the offense and defense side of the court so I assume scores would go around 90s. Phily should be tougher in defense side, remember that Bulls swept all opponents in all matches they scored +100 (22-0), and bad news for sixers they lost 11/12 matches as the opponent scored +100.
Heat - Knicks
Knicks formed a little version of Big 3, Chandler added much to Knicks defense, Carmelo turned into a tornado in April.. bla bla bla.. or from the miami side, they dont have a dependable bench, big 3 was disturbed with injuries in april etc.. these are all stories, and knicks should add plenty of things to their name so as to challenge Miami.. Neither LeBron - Carmelo nor Bosh - Amare match ups can be considered as fair, even if it would be so then Wade will be the free lance assassin of the day.. bench is the only fact, Knicks dominates but the decision point will not depend on that parameter at this stage. as in regular season where Knicks swept by 3-0, Heat will crush them out. Lets give a game for the name of Carmelo.. Heat in 4 or 4,5 :)
Pacers - Orlando
Pacers is the 3rd in east and 5th of the NBA.. George Hill-Granger-Paul George are predatory drivers of the team with acceptable level of talls. on the paper, the scale is totally facing to Pacers. Without superman Orlando absolutely needs a Magic. and this could only realized by 3s, raining 3s cats and dog will prevent Pacers to take the score far away. furthermore, 9-10 hits on the target for sure with around 40% would lead to a Magic. they have this potential -J.Rich, J.J.Redick, Nelson, Hedo- as they had always (R.Lewis as before). Davis is just recovered from injury, if he gives up, the rim will be pacers game area. 6th man Ryan might be a plus as well. anyhow, Pacers in 6 in a real world. (in regular season, it was Pacers 3-1).
Boston - Atlanta
Lords of the clovers. you might have nothing but respect for Celtics. they are all veterans rolling on the floor; snake eyes KG is now responsible for the C following all giants securing the area; Perkins Davis and Oneal; Pierce one more time leads the gang; Ray goes on hitting the bullseye with high %. On the other hand, bad boys Atlanta, likes to be here around in recent years. Yet couldnt make it end in a final but last year made a good start by defeating Magic. Josh boy is on fire and JJ doesnt want to let his last chance to fly away. One of the most important but misty matchup. lets see, 6 even 7 is possible but Boston by heart and soul. (Boston beat Atlanta 2-1 in regular season)

Spurs - Jazz
The oldest team against the youngest. As long as Duncan-Ginobili-Parker are on air, the result will not be a surprise. Spurs defeated in the first round in last two years, one in last year was unavoidable against big shadows of grizzlies, they are all two years older but plays as if they are younger; in addition to that this time they are all healthier, wiser, and winner. Another point of respect, Spurs turned into a offense team last year at that age at that intense season. Jazz will try to withstand in the rim but Spurs bedevils the front players for sure. Spurs who won 3 of 4 matches in regular season with not much difficulty -last one without Duncan,Ginobili,Parker- would go to next round in 4 at most 5.
Thunder - Maverics
Thunder was burning like hell but ended up 6-4, while Mavs were playing impervious throughout the season. For sure loosing Chandler and getting one year older might take away some but not as much as we see throughout the season. Playoffs would bring the soul back in the team Dallas only if they are not satisfied with one ring. 1 for Nowitzki 1 for Carlisle so Thunder in 6.
Lakers - Denver
After trade deadline, Lakers didnt only get rid of trade stories on Gasol but also gained Sessions. Since then they become more assertive for at least conference final but with again no result; 14-8. They have all instead of a dependable bench, only explanation might be they were waiting for the playoffs. But one should remember they played against +0,500 teams 45/66 matches. Lakers will play in the paint whereas Denver as usual will make a run run offense to speed up the game both for the sake of paralyzing two towers and exhausting Kobe. However, this is not worked out in regular season (3/4 Lakers), which means Denver is not the competitor that would challenge them. Kobe in 5.
Grizzlies - Clippers
The most interesting match up. Clush of the titans. Gay-Gasol-Randolph against Griffin.. Grizzlies are already looking for San Antonio for the final :) Memphis in at most 6 considering regular season matchup (2-1 Grizzlies)
let the game begin..
*(to the stars through difficulty)
24 Nisan 2012 Salı
NBA 2K12 - regular season awards overview
no matter it was a tight schedule where both teams and players didnt pay too much effort, this season was another "i love this game" time. now we are on the edge of the shortened and spurious marathon, at the time we will forget about all the problems of the preseason and the regular season; since then its the time for Gods of the Arena with full throttle.
i will check in for a regular season overview for the teams and players in a short while; however, since the spotlights are on regular season awards nowadays, today you will get my awards here below...
i will check in for a regular season overview for the teams and players in a short while; however, since the spotlights are on regular season awards nowadays, today you will get my awards here below...
MVP - Most Valuable Player:
LeBron James..
i should mention that for sure this is not the most attractive title that LeBron James would call.. yeah, he is the king, yes he would dominate all the positions and awards by statistics BUT yet he is not a champion and the critics will not come to an end unless he gets at least one..
first of all, there is no third nominee other than James and Durant..
then, lets come up to the answer why James..
i will start with the statistics versus opponents; 27,1 points 7,9 rebounds 6,9 assists together with 1,9 steals, that result in being number one in terms of efficiency*; 29,9 points.. Kevin Love and Durant trail him with 28,3 and 27,3 efficiency points respectively (K.Love 26p/13,2r/2a/0,9st & K.Durant 27,9p/8r/3,5a/1,3st). One must remember that all happened in 37,5 mins, staying on the court 1,5 minutes less than his mentinoned opponents (39 mins for KL and 38,7 mins for KD).
the second thing is the improvement in his game and mentality. Lebron plays a dominating role in the his teams. This results in forced shots and plays / unforced errors time to time, especially at clutch time or basically as the team fell behind. This year he has the same role but with more mature understanding. First of all, he cut down 3s; he fired 279 with 33 % last year whereas nearly the half this year; 140, even with a improved hit; 35% (Durant 38%). This year, instead of shooting a 3 while the team in set, he rolls down and find the most appropriate alternative to the basket. I can tell the same story for the 2p as well. He finds the basket with 53% (2011: 51% and Durant 50%). He is forcing the rim more; important for two reasons; the defense formation is disturbed together with increased score and assist (especially for 3s) opportunity; (from 4,3/5,9 to 4,9/6,6 score/attempts), this means also one of the criticisms for him is cleared off. His game always involves the play maker responsibility; year by year he increases his assist capability. Considering the "pace and space" offense formation and DWade himself, the decrease in assists from 7 to 6,2 is understandable (Durant:3,5). He should maybe improve his freethrow (76 %) since he is one of the players who grab many freethrow shots.(Durant: 85%).
Conclusion: New LeBron is playing not by heart and nature but also with his game sight as well.
last but not least; the team he is playing. just after BIG 3 formation, the question was how to manage the ball and the personal egos. Last year, we have seen that this was not an important issue, it was mostly all right; especially this year discussion is over as they added harmony and tactic to their game. In fact, the real and on going problem is the center and the bench. anthony is not the worst but he has nearly nothing as an alternative on the bench. there are many snipers for 3s, but not so dependable. battier and turiaf are good patches, but only for the defense side. nonetheless, there is haslem getting better day by day. Under these circumstances, it is not so fair to compare LeBrons load to that of Durants, having Sfolosha Ibaka Perkins and Harden in addition to Westbrook. This means Miami is not the best team or maybe it will not get the title - we will see in time - but this should not prevent James to get the MVP title.
Efficiency Calculation: ((Points + Rebounds + Assists + Steals + Blocks) - ((Field Goals Att. - Field
Goals Made) + (Free Throws Att. - Free Throws Made) + Turnovers)).
my nominees are,
Gregg Popovich... with a gang of veterans and rookies, he is claiming the top of the conference and even the league. He knows how to adapt the kader to the facts and conditions. He changed the chemistry and the play of the team from a defensive team to an offense monster.
Eric Spoelstra... i feel he is accepted by the big3 this year.. pace and space offense formation worked well throughout the year..
Tom Thibodeau.. without Rose he keeps his team winning. but i should admit that Bulls played only 29 games with teams of >0,500 win and scored 18w-11l.. this is 26-11 for spurs, 25-13 for heat and 21-14 for thunder.
Gregg Pops for the SA Spurs legend.
Defensive Player:
my nominees are,
Kevin Garnett.. since he still stands strong as the last samurai. respect his name and age..
Tyson Chandler.. as he was the key point for Dallas dream last year, and he played the same role in New York this year.. This was a little bit harder since NY was one of the worst defensive team last year (21th). He seems to be successful.. NY let opponents reach 100 points only for 21 games (6w/15l) while this was 58 last year (22-36 w/l)
Luol Deng.. brave and talented enough to defend LeBron.. key point for the mid region defense organisation..
Serge Ibaka.. one of the most important part of the thunder; although Durant improved his defense abilities and Perkins is a qualified center, the soul of Thunder defense is Ibaka. 3,7 blocks per game is another impressive statistic.
LeBron James.. since he is James, LeBron James..
i would like to call for Serge Ibaka..
6th Man:
James Harden.. he played at average 22-27-31 minutes in the last three years.. meanwhile he doubled his efficiency score to 17. this also means in fact he is a starter level player for many of the teams. there is no much player coming from the bench who adds so much as him (instead of O.J Mayo of Grizzlies)
but i should mention..
Ersan İlyasova .. after all problems in the kader he became a starter as a consequence.. however, if he would be realized earlier as a 6th man, he surely would claim this title.
Most Improved Player:
Jeremy Lin.. transition from an ordinary unwanted bench guy to a legend. the cindirella man was playing for the "west coast" last year with a bunch of looser stats; 9,8 mins in 29 matches coming from the bench with a 2,6 p/1,2 r/1,4 a. with a conclusion of 4,34 efficiency point. and the prince time. 35 games till injury, 25 of which as a starter; 26,8 mins result in 14,6 p / 3,1 r / 6,1 a and 14,94.. The fairy tail should be crowned with a title for sure and being a player of NY franchise makes this conclusion easier.
Ryan Anderson.. it should be hard to grab 7 rebounds and score 15 points along with superman, ha?.
Jeremy Lin since he turned a disappointment story into a acceptable transition failure for NYork.
Most Improved Player:
Kyrie Irving.. no other alternative at all.. he met all expectations of being draft #1..
i love this game..
21 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi
NBA 2K12 at the edge of the regular season
oynanırdı oynanmazdı derken başlayan kısa sezon beklentilerin de üstünde bir keyifle sürdü ve yoğun bir takvimin sonunda playoff dönemi geldi çattı.
doğuda bulls ve miami, batıda oklohoma şampiyonluğun en büyük adayı beklentilerini boşa çıkarmadı. bulls rose'un (25+ maç kaçırdı) sakatlığına rağmen takım kimliğini öne çıkararak iyi bir seviyede bitirecek. miami ise gerek big3 nin wade bacağını kaybettiği dönemler gerekse mental olarak yogun takvimde ipleri bırakması nedeniyle beklenenden düşük viteste tamamladı. oklohomada çifte patlar westbrook ve durant yanıyor, ibaka perkins ve sefolasha ise söndürüyor formülü inanılmaz sonuçlarla devam ediyor.
yükselen yıldızlar..
yılın flash takımı clippers özellike ihtiyar kurt billupsı kaybettikten sonra yavaşladı, ama batı yakasının yılların ezilmiş takımını yukarılarda görmek güzel. belki de bu yılın en güzel olayı öncelikle şampiyonluk sınırında olmasa da bazı ekstra takımların ön plana çıkması oldu. Doğuda indiana, batıda memphis keyif verdi.
kayda değerler...
yine doğuda atlantanın istikrarını sürdürmesi (her ne kadar bir adım öteye geçemese de), her yıl atletizmden birşeyler kaybettirse de tecrübeleriyle hep başa çeken boston, ve sene içindeki önemli kayıplarına rağmen son ana kadar playoff barajını kovalayan ersanlı milwaukee oyuna değer kattı. öte yandan batıda bostona nazire yaparcasına spursun hala konferans zirvesine oynaması bu oyunun gücü. lakers sene başında ve ortasında gasol takas fikirleri ile takıma huzur vermedi (keza ben olsam bynum'ı takaslarım) halbuki sadece 1 numaramsı bile yeterdi, keza sessions ara transferi bile lakersı tekrar bir vites ileri aldı, en azından final yolu aralandı. mike brown ipleri sıkı tutarsa bir de kobe azcık topu bırakırsa olur.
doğunun adı unutulmaya yüz tutmuş takımı new yorkun cevabı kendi big3 sini yaratmak oldu ama amarenin yaşı ve sakatlıkları carmelonun savrukluğu chandlerin bir big olmaması ve bench boşluğu vsvs balon etkisi yaptı. doğu yakasının clippersı sayılabilecek nets de benzer bir atılım yapmak istedi ama transferde sadece deron ile sınırlı kalınca 20+ galibiyete takıldı, sanırım deron da kalmayacaktır. ve portland.. yıllardır sakatlıklar problemler ile boğuşan portland sezona da çok iyi başladı ama malesef gerisi gelmedi.. charlotte; nba de bir takımın <10 galibiyette kalması sistemin doğasına aykırı..
doğuda bulls ve miami, batıda oklohoma şampiyonluğun en büyük adayı beklentilerini boşa çıkarmadı. bulls rose'un (25+ maç kaçırdı) sakatlığına rağmen takım kimliğini öne çıkararak iyi bir seviyede bitirecek. miami ise gerek big3 nin wade bacağını kaybettiği dönemler gerekse mental olarak yogun takvimde ipleri bırakması nedeniyle beklenenden düşük viteste tamamladı. oklohomada çifte patlar westbrook ve durant yanıyor, ibaka perkins ve sefolasha ise söndürüyor formülü inanılmaz sonuçlarla devam ediyor.
yükselen yıldızlar..
yılın flash takımı clippers özellike ihtiyar kurt billupsı kaybettikten sonra yavaşladı, ama batı yakasının yılların ezilmiş takımını yukarılarda görmek güzel. belki de bu yılın en güzel olayı öncelikle şampiyonluk sınırında olmasa da bazı ekstra takımların ön plana çıkması oldu. Doğuda indiana, batıda memphis keyif verdi.
kayda değerler...
yine doğuda atlantanın istikrarını sürdürmesi (her ne kadar bir adım öteye geçemese de), her yıl atletizmden birşeyler kaybettirse de tecrübeleriyle hep başa çeken boston, ve sene içindeki önemli kayıplarına rağmen son ana kadar playoff barajını kovalayan ersanlı milwaukee oyuna değer kattı. öte yandan batıda bostona nazire yaparcasına spursun hala konferans zirvesine oynaması bu oyunun gücü. lakers sene başında ve ortasında gasol takas fikirleri ile takıma huzur vermedi (keza ben olsam bynum'ı takaslarım) halbuki sadece 1 numaramsı bile yeterdi, keza sessions ara transferi bile lakersı tekrar bir vites ileri aldı, en azından final yolu aralandı. mike brown ipleri sıkı tutarsa bir de kobe azcık topu bırakırsa olur.
doğunun adı unutulmaya yüz tutmuş takımı new yorkun cevabı kendi big3 sini yaratmak oldu ama amarenin yaşı ve sakatlıkları carmelonun savrukluğu chandlerin bir big olmaması ve bench boşluğu vsvs balon etkisi yaptı. doğu yakasının clippersı sayılabilecek nets de benzer bir atılım yapmak istedi ama transferde sadece deron ile sınırlı kalınca 20+ galibiyete takıldı, sanırım deron da kalmayacaktır. ve portland.. yıllardır sakatlıklar problemler ile boğuşan portland sezona da çok iyi başladı ama malesef gerisi gelmedi.. charlotte; nba de bir takımın <10 galibiyette kalması sistemin doğasına aykırı..
12 Mart 2012 Pazartesi
KARŞIYAKAMIZ - Efes Pilsen 11/3/12
Haftaiçi hakemler tarafından kurtarılan Fenerbahçenin acısını çıkartmaya toplandık salona, Arena yine hınca hınç dolu, belki de alışık olmadığımız tek şey konuk seyirci tarafının da dolu olmasıydı, yaklaşık 100 kişilik bir genç grup maç boyunca tezahüratı da eksik etmedi.. genç ve kız ağırlıklı olmalarından, belki de nefretin asıl hakemlere yönelmiş olmasından çok tepki çekmediler; klasik bir "gerizekalılar" yediler o ayrı.
trübünler ''Ligler, kupalar sizin, basketbol bizim olsun'' ve ''3 maymun'' resmi olan iki ayrı pankart ve protesto için siyah bayrak açtı, üstüne de maçın ilk dakikasından itibaren de "basketbol katili türk hakemleri" gibi maçın başı için ağır ve tahrik edici sayılabilecek bir tezahuratla başladı. engin kennermanın tecrübesi sayesinde diğer hakemlerin anons isteğine kulak asmayıp bu süreci aşması tribünlerin ve Karşıyakanın selameti açısından çok iyi oldu. yoksa anons üzerine ortam çok daha fazla gerilebilirdi..
haftaiçi sıkıntısı mı, maç trafiğinin yorgunluğu mu ne diyelim Karşıyakamız maça çok tutuk başladı.. chatman da bu sıkıntının bayraktarıydı, malesef maç boyunca da düzelmedi.. üst üste top kayıplarından yediğimiz fast breakler 3 dakikada 0-11 yazdırdı skor tabelasına.. ilk sayımızı bile serbest atıştan hem de 1/2 bulduk.. Birkanın tek başına da olsa maça asılması ve savunmada biraz toparlanmamız sayesinde 15-21 ile çeyreği kapattık.
İkinci periyota da yine Efes iyi başladı. KArşıyakada olmayan olsa da kullanılmayan kadro derinliği, Efes için maçtaki farktı, isim olarak çok önemli olmasa da dirilik ve oyun anlayışı nedeniyle her giren bir fark yarattı, ikinci çeyreğin ilk kısmında da Kinsey'in ağırlığı ile yine (10+)3. dakikada 10 sayılık farka ulaştı(28-18). Tekrar ivme yakalayan KAFKAF aradaki farkı 2 sayıya kadar (28-30)indirmesine rağmen devreyi iyi bitiren yine Efes oldu ve 8 sayılık farkla (36-44) önde tamamladı.
ilk yarı itibariyle skorun gidilaşatından bile her iki takımında ne kadar konsantrasyondan uzak ne kadar savruk ve disiplinsiz oynadığı görülebiliyor. 8/10 -0 lık seriler bu kadar kısa dakikalar içinde el değiştirmemesi gerekiyor.
Daha çok karşılıklı sayılarla Efesin istediği tempoda geçen üçüncü çeyreği de Efes 16-12 alarak son çeyreğe 48-60 önde girdi.
Son çeyreğe ise hızlı başlayan bu sefer Pınar Karşıyaka oldu, Mire Chatman’in sonunda gelen 3lüğü Allen ve Jovo Reisin sayılarıyla ilk üç dakika 8-0 lık bir seri ile geçildi ve fark bir defa daha hiç sayılabilecek bir noktaya geldi (56-60). Bu noktada Sinan Güler – Kerem Tunçeri ikilisiyle üç sayı çizgisinin dışından bulduğu sayılarla 3-11 yapıp maçtan 59-71 galip ayrıldı. bu noktada kırılma anı Keremin bu maçta ikinci kez çok uzaklardan yolladığı üçlüktü. alper allen ikoniç ve chatmanın üçlükleri potanın içinden dönerken keremin bu sniper vuruşları moral bozmada dibi gördü.
Chatmanın atıığı 7 sayı bile maglubiyeti açıklamaya yeter aslında.. Birkanın çok kritik kopuş anlarında sorumluluk alıp yakın uzak attığı sayılar ve Jovo Reisin pota altında yoktan varettiği sayılar maçın dramatik bir skorla bitmesini engelledi, ve izleyicilerin son bir iki dakikaya kadar keyif almasını sağladı. Kerem Gönlüm dahil Efes uzunlarına bu yaşında eziyet çektiren Jovo Reis Efesin avrupadan nasıl bu kadar kolay elendiğini göstermiş oldu.
bir paragrafta Hakan Hocaya.. rakipte bir kamyon üçlük konusunda sniper sayılacak adam varken ve uzunları ile boyalı alan oyununda sadece Keremin yaratıcılığına bakarken farkın kapandığı dakikalarda alan savunması yaptırarak Sinanı sayı kralı yapması 1.. ilkanı bir iki top kaybı yüzünden kenara alıp bir daha oynatmama olayını banvit maçında da görmüştüm ama huy haline geldiğini bilmiyordum, emre ileride geride rezilleri oynarken, Jovonun bile yıktığı Efes pota altında, ribaund kovalayacak boyalı alanı karıştıracak bir İlkanı neden oynatmazsın hoca, bu 2.. ya chatman atarlarda iken en azından bir onuru alaydın ya bir iki dakika..
son paragraf da şansa.. hafta içi bir maçımız gaspedilmiş, bu maçta da rakibin attığı tüm şutlar girerken ikilik üçlük tüm topların çemberden hatta filenin içinden çıkması nedir ya?
Pınar Karşıyaka: Chatman 7, Ikonic 12, Birkan 20, Emre 2, İlkan 2, Stanojevic 12, Allen 4, Alper
Anadolu Efes: Kerem Tunçeri 13, Sinan 13, Vujacic 7, Savanovic 9, Barac 7, Doğuş 2, Kinsey 12, Cenk, Kerem Gönlüm, Batista 8
trübünler ''Ligler, kupalar sizin, basketbol bizim olsun'' ve ''3 maymun'' resmi olan iki ayrı pankart ve protesto için siyah bayrak açtı, üstüne de maçın ilk dakikasından itibaren de "basketbol katili türk hakemleri" gibi maçın başı için ağır ve tahrik edici sayılabilecek bir tezahuratla başladı. engin kennermanın tecrübesi sayesinde diğer hakemlerin anons isteğine kulak asmayıp bu süreci aşması tribünlerin ve Karşıyakanın selameti açısından çok iyi oldu. yoksa anons üzerine ortam çok daha fazla gerilebilirdi..
haftaiçi sıkıntısı mı, maç trafiğinin yorgunluğu mu ne diyelim Karşıyakamız maça çok tutuk başladı.. chatman da bu sıkıntının bayraktarıydı, malesef maç boyunca da düzelmedi.. üst üste top kayıplarından yediğimiz fast breakler 3 dakikada 0-11 yazdırdı skor tabelasına.. ilk sayımızı bile serbest atıştan hem de 1/2 bulduk.. Birkanın tek başına da olsa maça asılması ve savunmada biraz toparlanmamız sayesinde 15-21 ile çeyreği kapattık.
İkinci periyota da yine Efes iyi başladı. KArşıyakada olmayan olsa da kullanılmayan kadro derinliği, Efes için maçtaki farktı, isim olarak çok önemli olmasa da dirilik ve oyun anlayışı nedeniyle her giren bir fark yarattı, ikinci çeyreğin ilk kısmında da Kinsey'in ağırlığı ile yine (10+)3. dakikada 10 sayılık farka ulaştı(28-18). Tekrar ivme yakalayan KAFKAF aradaki farkı 2 sayıya kadar (28-30)indirmesine rağmen devreyi iyi bitiren yine Efes oldu ve 8 sayılık farkla (36-44) önde tamamladı.
ilk yarı itibariyle skorun gidilaşatından bile her iki takımında ne kadar konsantrasyondan uzak ne kadar savruk ve disiplinsiz oynadığı görülebiliyor. 8/10 -0 lık seriler bu kadar kısa dakikalar içinde el değiştirmemesi gerekiyor.
Daha çok karşılıklı sayılarla Efesin istediği tempoda geçen üçüncü çeyreği de Efes 16-12 alarak son çeyreğe 48-60 önde girdi.
Son çeyreğe ise hızlı başlayan bu sefer Pınar Karşıyaka oldu, Mire Chatman’in sonunda gelen 3lüğü Allen ve Jovo Reisin sayılarıyla ilk üç dakika 8-0 lık bir seri ile geçildi ve fark bir defa daha hiç sayılabilecek bir noktaya geldi (56-60). Bu noktada Sinan Güler – Kerem Tunçeri ikilisiyle üç sayı çizgisinin dışından bulduğu sayılarla 3-11 yapıp maçtan 59-71 galip ayrıldı. bu noktada kırılma anı Keremin bu maçta ikinci kez çok uzaklardan yolladığı üçlüktü. alper allen ikoniç ve chatmanın üçlükleri potanın içinden dönerken keremin bu sniper vuruşları moral bozmada dibi gördü.
Chatmanın atıığı 7 sayı bile maglubiyeti açıklamaya yeter aslında.. Birkanın çok kritik kopuş anlarında sorumluluk alıp yakın uzak attığı sayılar ve Jovo Reisin pota altında yoktan varettiği sayılar maçın dramatik bir skorla bitmesini engelledi, ve izleyicilerin son bir iki dakikaya kadar keyif almasını sağladı. Kerem Gönlüm dahil Efes uzunlarına bu yaşında eziyet çektiren Jovo Reis Efesin avrupadan nasıl bu kadar kolay elendiğini göstermiş oldu.
bir paragrafta Hakan Hocaya.. rakipte bir kamyon üçlük konusunda sniper sayılacak adam varken ve uzunları ile boyalı alan oyununda sadece Keremin yaratıcılığına bakarken farkın kapandığı dakikalarda alan savunması yaptırarak Sinanı sayı kralı yapması 1.. ilkanı bir iki top kaybı yüzünden kenara alıp bir daha oynatmama olayını banvit maçında da görmüştüm ama huy haline geldiğini bilmiyordum, emre ileride geride rezilleri oynarken, Jovonun bile yıktığı Efes pota altında, ribaund kovalayacak boyalı alanı karıştıracak bir İlkanı neden oynatmazsın hoca, bu 2.. ya chatman atarlarda iken en azından bir onuru alaydın ya bir iki dakika..
son paragraf da şansa.. hafta içi bir maçımız gaspedilmiş, bu maçta da rakibin attığı tüm şutlar girerken ikilik üçlük tüm topların çemberden hatta filenin içinden çıkması nedir ya?
Pınar Karşıyaka: Chatman 7, Ikonic 12, Birkan 20, Emre 2, İlkan 2, Stanojevic 12, Allen 4, Alper
Anadolu Efes: Kerem Tunçeri 13, Sinan 13, Vujacic 7, Savanovic 9, Barac 7, Doğuş 2, Kinsey 12, Cenk, Kerem Gönlüm, Batista 8
6 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi
SUPERB BOWL XLVI Indianapolis..
once again it was the date for the clash of the titans, superbowl xLvi..
lets start with a brief story to the ultimate day;
AFC teams clinched for the playoff were Patriots(13-3); Ravens(12-4); Texans(10-6); Broncos(8-8); Steelers(12-4) and Bengals (9-7). Patriots were like a hurricane in the conference to claim the first line with a 8 win straight serie and a total of 13-3. On the other hand, NFC teams, there were Packers (15-1), 49ers (13-3); Saints(13-3); Giants (9-7); Falcons (10-6) and Lions (10-6).. for those who are not so familiar with the line up for the playoffs; all four division leaders grap the four place according to the win-loss percentage and the 5th and 6th wild card opportunities are being given on the basis of the highest win-loss percentage.
AFC wild card games ended nothing but quite regular; texans crunched bengals by 31-10 while tebow boys' broncos beat steelers 29-23. Divisional playoffs ended with no surprise again; season leaders crashed wild card game winners; patriots passed denver by 45-10 and ravens take the lead against broncos by 29-23. Conference final was challenging at all but it was more than dramatical at the final field goal attempt; it will be nobody but billy cundiff that will be remembered as he failed to score a field goal from 32 yards at the final 11 seconds. Patriots got the superbowl ticket by 20-23 (0-3;10-10;10-3;0-7).
NFC wild card games have the same result, divisional leaders beat the wild card visitors :) but much more smashing :) saints passed through lions by 45-28 and giants run over falcons by 24-2 insane.. divisional play offs started claiming another line up result as 49ers defeated saints BUT.. but ended with a traumatic loss for packers of 37-20 against giants where Manning threw 3 TD passes. The Giants stunned the reigning Super Bowl champion Packers at home for the second time in four years, they only hoped this trip would end the same way -- at the Super Bowl. Giants passed 49ers to claim the ticket after a 17-17 tie and Tynes' game-winning 31-yard field goal in overtime.
2 weeks later, on Feb 5th, titans of football was on the pitch. I want to cry out the last at first Giants beat Patriots again to win Super Bowl XLVI!!!
Manning and Giants started Q1 burning like hell; Manning opened the game with nine consecutive completions!. Q1 resulted in a 9-0 lead by Giants; a great defense pressure on Brady result in a 2 point penalty and a touchdown by Manning - Cruz Co. It was upside down in Q2, gostkowskis field goal and brady - woodhead touchdown (only 5 sec to the halftime) was a total come back that bring the lead to patriots.
Q3 was more or less a tie one, started with a brady - hernandez touchdown that makes a 17 unanswered points in total, and finished by two field goals of Tynes from 38 and 35 yards for a 17-15 lead by patriots. Q4 was another struggling game time for all surely as it should be, the ball possession is directed form one side to another without success, But in the end, it was Manning who directed the nine-play, 88-yard drive that put New York ahead when running back Bradshaw scored the winning touchdown just 1 minute to the game end with a spectacular touchdown show. Here, for an attempt in the end zone, there was a big big defense line up problem, you should see that touchdown, although it is quite brilliant attack, i am sure it is possible neither in regular season nor in college football. On the other hand as it was the second attempt, it might be better if bradshow didnt scored but just to down in front of the line to melt some more seconds before giving the ball to the patriots..In the last minute following two incomplete passes, Brady guy was sacked at the third forcing him a long distance pass at the fourth attempt; guess what, former mvp made it happened as 32 seconds left. In the next run, again preceding incomplete passes Brady threw a 55 yards pass as 2 seconds left, incomplete..
New England (15-4), winner of 10 straight since a loss to the Giants in November, was done again against Giants; Manning ruined their flawless season in a bitter end.
C U next year big boys !!!
lets start with a brief story to the ultimate day;
AFC teams clinched for the playoff were Patriots(13-3); Ravens(12-4); Texans(10-6); Broncos(8-8); Steelers(12-4) and Bengals (9-7). Patriots were like a hurricane in the conference to claim the first line with a 8 win straight serie and a total of 13-3. On the other hand, NFC teams, there were Packers (15-1), 49ers (13-3); Saints(13-3); Giants (9-7); Falcons (10-6) and Lions (10-6).. for those who are not so familiar with the line up for the playoffs; all four division leaders grap the four place according to the win-loss percentage and the 5th and 6th wild card opportunities are being given on the basis of the highest win-loss percentage.
AFC wild card games ended nothing but quite regular; texans crunched bengals by 31-10 while tebow boys' broncos beat steelers 29-23. Divisional playoffs ended with no surprise again; season leaders crashed wild card game winners; patriots passed denver by 45-10 and ravens take the lead against broncos by 29-23. Conference final was challenging at all but it was more than dramatical at the final field goal attempt; it will be nobody but billy cundiff that will be remembered as he failed to score a field goal from 32 yards at the final 11 seconds. Patriots got the superbowl ticket by 20-23 (0-3;10-10;10-3;0-7).
NFC wild card games have the same result, divisional leaders beat the wild card visitors :) but much more smashing :) saints passed through lions by 45-28 and giants run over falcons by 24-2 insane.. divisional play offs started claiming another line up result as 49ers defeated saints BUT.. but ended with a traumatic loss for packers of 37-20 against giants where Manning threw 3 TD passes. The Giants stunned the reigning Super Bowl champion Packers at home for the second time in four years, they only hoped this trip would end the same way -- at the Super Bowl. Giants passed 49ers to claim the ticket after a 17-17 tie and Tynes' game-winning 31-yard field goal in overtime.
2 weeks later, on Feb 5th, titans of football was on the pitch. I want to cry out the last at first Giants beat Patriots again to win Super Bowl XLVI!!!
Manning and Giants started Q1 burning like hell; Manning opened the game with nine consecutive completions!. Q1 resulted in a 9-0 lead by Giants; a great defense pressure on Brady result in a 2 point penalty and a touchdown by Manning - Cruz Co. It was upside down in Q2, gostkowskis field goal and brady - woodhead touchdown (only 5 sec to the halftime) was a total come back that bring the lead to patriots.
Q3 was more or less a tie one, started with a brady - hernandez touchdown that makes a 17 unanswered points in total, and finished by two field goals of Tynes from 38 and 35 yards for a 17-15 lead by patriots. Q4 was another struggling game time for all surely as it should be, the ball possession is directed form one side to another without success, But in the end, it was Manning who directed the nine-play, 88-yard drive that put New York ahead when running back Bradshaw scored the winning touchdown just 1 minute to the game end with a spectacular touchdown show. Here, for an attempt in the end zone, there was a big big defense line up problem, you should see that touchdown, although it is quite brilliant attack, i am sure it is possible neither in regular season nor in college football. On the other hand as it was the second attempt, it might be better if bradshow didnt scored but just to down in front of the line to melt some more seconds before giving the ball to the patriots..In the last minute following two incomplete passes, Brady guy was sacked at the third forcing him a long distance pass at the fourth attempt; guess what, former mvp made it happened as 32 seconds left. In the next run, again preceding incomplete passes Brady threw a 55 yards pass as 2 seconds left, incomplete..
New England (15-4), winner of 10 straight since a loss to the Giants in November, was done again against Giants; Manning ruined their flawless season in a bitter end.
C U next year big boys !!!
24 Ocak 2012 Salı
Australia Open '12
grand slams means much to me like everyone, however, due to the timeline differences australia and american tournaments are generally a little far from attention..
another point is that, not like roland garros and wimbledon played on different bases, australian and american grand slams are somehow closed to surprises. generally up to the final 8, there are no surprises expected for the top 4 even 5-6 seeds in the tournament for me.
that is so this year as well.. top seeds djoker, nadal, federer and murray come to the quarter finals with 2 sets loss in total; one for murray in the first tour and one four djoker against hewitt in fourth tour. on the womens side, although women tennis is not steady and more fragile, the top six seeds lost only three sets, two of them in the fourth round - against lisicki ( a new hope for german tennis) and clijsters.
@ men; the quarter finals gives us the;
djoker (1) - ferrer (5)
murray (4) - nishikori
del potro (11) - federer (3)
berdchy (7) - nadal (2)
where 8th seed mardy fish (try to be the new generation american dream, but no hope for now) defeated in the second round and 6th seed Tsonga is eliminated at forth by nishikori, who is the only japan at quarters in australian open after 80 years.
here i expect a straight win by djoker and federer, whereas i think that berdchy would challenge nadal for a set. murray can hold a long match i guess.
i believe;
djoker - murray ; federer - nadal final four gives a birth to another chance for a revenge match up; djoker / nadal.
on the other hand,
@ women; the quarter finals gives us the;
wozniacki (1) - clijsters (11)
azerenka (3) - radwanska (8)
makarova - maria (4)
errani - kvitova (2)
where 5th seed Na Li is eliminated by Clijsters - which is no surprise; and 7th seed Zvonareva is defeated by Makarova, who eliminated Serena - another title claiming non-top seed big player - as well; and showed she has no joke :) ..
here i expect a straight win by clijster, danish dream wozniacki is no good at top plays - sorry sweetheart; azerenka and kvitova might go straight as well. but this makarova girl fella, as the 56 the in WTA list, would be a problem to Maria, which is for sure more fragile than zvonareva and serena.. anyhow, i hope Maria will be the winner at all..
clijsters - azarenka will be though at final four; clijsters have the courage and experience; but azarenka has the persistance to struggle and energy of the age.. i hope clijsters would win. kvitova - maria match up would generally results in a Kvitova win on paper nowadays, but prays for Maria..
I wanna see the Maria on top, but if not possible cheers for Clijsters to appreciate her come back!!
C U at Rolan Garros..
another point is that, not like roland garros and wimbledon played on different bases, australian and american grand slams are somehow closed to surprises. generally up to the final 8, there are no surprises expected for the top 4 even 5-6 seeds in the tournament for me.
that is so this year as well.. top seeds djoker, nadal, federer and murray come to the quarter finals with 2 sets loss in total; one for murray in the first tour and one four djoker against hewitt in fourth tour. on the womens side, although women tennis is not steady and more fragile, the top six seeds lost only three sets, two of them in the fourth round - against lisicki ( a new hope for german tennis) and clijsters.
@ men; the quarter finals gives us the;
djoker (1) - ferrer (5)
murray (4) - nishikori
del potro (11) - federer (3)
berdchy (7) - nadal (2)
where 8th seed mardy fish (try to be the new generation american dream, but no hope for now) defeated in the second round and 6th seed Tsonga is eliminated at forth by nishikori, who is the only japan at quarters in australian open after 80 years.
here i expect a straight win by djoker and federer, whereas i think that berdchy would challenge nadal for a set. murray can hold a long match i guess.
i believe;
djoker - murray ; federer - nadal final four gives a birth to another chance for a revenge match up; djoker / nadal.
on the other hand,
@ women; the quarter finals gives us the;
wozniacki (1) - clijsters (11)
azerenka (3) - radwanska (8)
makarova - maria (4)
errani - kvitova (2)
where 5th seed Na Li is eliminated by Clijsters - which is no surprise; and 7th seed Zvonareva is defeated by Makarova, who eliminated Serena - another title claiming non-top seed big player - as well; and showed she has no joke :) ..
here i expect a straight win by clijster, danish dream wozniacki is no good at top plays - sorry sweetheart; azerenka and kvitova might go straight as well. but this makarova girl fella, as the 56 the in WTA list, would be a problem to Maria, which is for sure more fragile than zvonareva and serena.. anyhow, i hope Maria will be the winner at all..
clijsters - azarenka will be though at final four; clijsters have the courage and experience; but azarenka has the persistance to struggle and energy of the age.. i hope clijsters would win. kvitova - maria match up would generally results in a Kvitova win on paper nowadays, but prays for Maria..
I wanna see the Maria on top, but if not possible cheers for Clijsters to appreciate her come back!!
C U at Rolan Garros..
19 Ocak 2012 Perşembe
Asterix Kieldrecht - Galatasaray 18/1/12
pazartesi günü yılın ilk seyahatime çıkarken aslında çok tadım yoktu.. başlangıçta sadece bizinıs uçmanın keyfi vardı.. öğleden sonra çıktığım yolculuk gece yarısına uzanıyor, ertesi gün beni iki ayrı şehirde iki deneme bekliyor, bavulumu sürükleyeceğim uzun bir yol sonunda bitecek gün daha iyisini değil daha da sıkıntılı bir ertesi günü vaadediyordu..
sanırım thy istanbul dış hatlar CIP salonunda geçirdiğim saatlerde düşündüğüm kadar sıkıcı bir başlangıç yapmayacağımı - işte o an - hissetmiştim. CIP salonu havaalanında ayrı bir dünya yaratmış, bugüne kadar klas bulduğum iş bankası lounge bir anda simitevi durumuna düştü..
tam CIPten çıkarken neslihan ve reşat hocayı gördüm.. tüm spor dallarını takip etmem ve karşıyakadan alışkanlık bir göz aşinalığı var - anlamıştım; Galatasarayın bayan voleybol takımıda havaalanındaydı. önceki hafta takım istanbulda asterix kieldrecht karşısında 3-0 lık bir galibiyet almıştı, tahminen bu hafta maç yapıalacağını biliyordum ama nasılsa işten güçten bulunup gidemem diye çok üzerinde durmamıştım..
bir dünya starı ama dünya tatlısı ve sıcakkanlı lo bianco ile çektirdiğim poz, dragan hoca ile sohbetimiz, sportif direktörümüz orkundan maçın çarşamba akşamı olduğunu öğrenmem keyfimi tavan yaptırdı.. çıkışta diğer süperler natali, eric ve funda ile de fotograf çekilip uA nın karşıladığı kafile ile dışarı çıkmak süperdi..

güzel ve olumlu iki gün sonunda işler yolunda olunca hedef artık belliydi, 95 km uzaklıktaki sporthal beveren..

açıkçası küçük bir salon ve taraftar grubu bekliyorduk, ama hem belçikalı tribünleri hem de galatasaray tribunleri doluydu; 300 ü aşkın çılgınca tezahurat eden Gs taraftarını görmek şaşırttı.. davullar salonu inletiyor bayraklar şölen yerine çevirmişti..

karşıdaki gençleri görünce beklentimiz takımın 3-0 ile süpürüp döneceği yönündeydi.. 2,5 saatlik git gel 1 saat için miydi, değerdi elbette..

maça leo, calderon, seli(me), eric, natali ve gökçenle başladık ve liberomuz birbirinden güzel fotograflarımı çeken funda.. açılan fark kapanıp set tereddüte girsede 23-25 aldı kızlarımız.. 2. sette tereddütlerimiz sıkıntıya dönüştü; rakibin hemen file üstünden ve istikrarlı attığı servislere karşılık manşet hatalarımız seti çok erken koparmalarına neden oldu, 25-14 ile biten set hem nazar boncuğu hem de bir set daha izleme fırsatı olsun diye aldık kabul ettik.. etmesine de, manşet hataları ve son toplardaki basit hatalar devam etti..zaten tüm servisler üstüne atıldığı için yıpranan ve hata yaptıkça morali bozulan selime, çaprazda ve geri alanda aldığı topları bitiremeyen, başarısız oldukça daha fazla asılıp daha da kötü vuruşlar yapan calderon, basit topları ezen eric bir an önce geri gelmeliydi.. 25-18 ve 2-1 artık kızları daha uzun görme şansından öteye taşımıştı durumu..

iyi niyetli bol tezahuratlı ama voleybol bihaberi seyirci ilk kez insiyatifi eline aldı, ve gürültü yaratmak yerine oyuna dahil oldu, kuru nakarat tezahuratı bırakıp rakip servisleri ıslıklayan takıma puanlarda coşku kayıplarda destek verdi.. büyük tecrübe nilayında ipleri eline alıp takıma enerji katmasıyla seti 18-25 alarak maçı tie breake taşıdı galatasarayımız.. yine iyi oynamasa ve basit hatalar yapsada serinkanlı olup tecrübesini ortaya koyduğu her puanı kopardı.. tie break hızlı başlayıp birden yittiği bir set oldu ve 15-12 ile maçı kaybettik..
artık sıra hala pek de anlam veremediğim golden setteydi..
golden sette farkı açtık ama yine basit hatalar nedeniyle maçı koparamadık.. yinede istikrarlı ve güvenli bir farkla ilerleyen seti 15+12 ile alarak CEV de çeyrek finale yükseldik. bu setin oyuncusu kesinlikle selimeydi.. maçta o kadar yorulan ve hata yapan bu kadar genç bir oyuncunun kısa sette 6 top öldürmesi inanılmazdı.. taraftarın ve kızlarımızın sevinci görmeye değerdi.. yorulduk sıkıldık ama sonu güzel oldu ya bu da yeter..
sahada lo bianco ve nilayla zaferi ölümsüzleştirdim :)

128 dakikalık maçın sonunda gece yarım gibi odamıza döndük, ertesi gün aynı uçakla dönüş yolunda yine beraberdik.. kızlar yorgun ama mutlu, biraz da maçı bu kadar zora soktukları için buruktular.. orkun kaptan ve koç dragan ile sohbetlerimde gözlediğim bu maçta bir direniş bekledikleri ama bu kadarını öngörmedikleriydi.

Galatasarayda basketbolla başlayan amatör sporları hatırlama ve yaşatma girişimi voleybol ile devam ediyor..tabiki fb eczacı ve vakıfın olduğu lige hızlı bir giriş beklenmemeli, neticede çok fazla hareket imkanı yok ama şube iyi çalışıyor diye düşünüyorum; imkan ve ihtimaller dahilinde yerinde transferlerle ligde Galatasarayı güzel bir yere getirecek CEV kupasındada final four oynatacak bir kadro kurulmuş; bu sene bu hedeflere ulaşma yolunda mesafe katederse - ki ediyor; hem oyuncular için tercih sebebi olacak hem de sponsorlar.. bu da ileriki dönem için daha fazla başarı şansı demek..
başkana, orkun kaptana, neslihana, dragan ve reşat hocaya başta olmak üzere teknik ekibe ve tüm kızlarımıza bu keyfi yaşattıkları için, Galatasaray ismini daha da yukarılara taşıyacaklarına inandırdıkları için teşekkürler..
ERİC - ORTA - 1983
Geldiği Takım Universal Volley Modena 2011

Geldiği Takım Ankaragücü 2010

Geldiği Takım Azzerail Bakü 2011

Geldiği Takım Ankaragücü 2011

Geldiği Takım Nilüfer Belediyesi 2011

Geldiği Takım Foppapedretti Volley Bergamo

Geldiği Takım Volero Zürih 2011
sanırım thy istanbul dış hatlar CIP salonunda geçirdiğim saatlerde düşündüğüm kadar sıkıcı bir başlangıç yapmayacağımı - işte o an - hissetmiştim. CIP salonu havaalanında ayrı bir dünya yaratmış, bugüne kadar klas bulduğum iş bankası lounge bir anda simitevi durumuna düştü..
tam CIPten çıkarken neslihan ve reşat hocayı gördüm.. tüm spor dallarını takip etmem ve karşıyakadan alışkanlık bir göz aşinalığı var - anlamıştım; Galatasarayın bayan voleybol takımıda havaalanındaydı. önceki hafta takım istanbulda asterix kieldrecht karşısında 3-0 lık bir galibiyet almıştı, tahminen bu hafta maç yapıalacağını biliyordum ama nasılsa işten güçten bulunup gidemem diye çok üzerinde durmamıştım..
bir dünya starı ama dünya tatlısı ve sıcakkanlı lo bianco ile çektirdiğim poz, dragan hoca ile sohbetimiz, sportif direktörümüz orkundan maçın çarşamba akşamı olduğunu öğrenmem keyfimi tavan yaptırdı.. çıkışta diğer süperler natali, eric ve funda ile de fotograf çekilip uA nın karşıladığı kafile ile dışarı çıkmak süperdi..
güzel ve olumlu iki gün sonunda işler yolunda olunca hedef artık belliydi, 95 km uzaklıktaki sporthal beveren..
açıkçası küçük bir salon ve taraftar grubu bekliyorduk, ama hem belçikalı tribünleri hem de galatasaray tribunleri doluydu; 300 ü aşkın çılgınca tezahurat eden Gs taraftarını görmek şaşırttı.. davullar salonu inletiyor bayraklar şölen yerine çevirmişti..
karşıdaki gençleri görünce beklentimiz takımın 3-0 ile süpürüp döneceği yönündeydi.. 2,5 saatlik git gel 1 saat için miydi, değerdi elbette..
maça leo, calderon, seli(me), eric, natali ve gökçenle başladık ve liberomuz birbirinden güzel fotograflarımı çeken funda.. açılan fark kapanıp set tereddüte girsede 23-25 aldı kızlarımız.. 2. sette tereddütlerimiz sıkıntıya dönüştü; rakibin hemen file üstünden ve istikrarlı attığı servislere karşılık manşet hatalarımız seti çok erken koparmalarına neden oldu, 25-14 ile biten set hem nazar boncuğu hem de bir set daha izleme fırsatı olsun diye aldık kabul ettik.. etmesine de, manşet hataları ve son toplardaki basit hatalar devam etti..zaten tüm servisler üstüne atıldığı için yıpranan ve hata yaptıkça morali bozulan selime, çaprazda ve geri alanda aldığı topları bitiremeyen, başarısız oldukça daha fazla asılıp daha da kötü vuruşlar yapan calderon, basit topları ezen eric bir an önce geri gelmeliydi.. 25-18 ve 2-1 artık kızları daha uzun görme şansından öteye taşımıştı durumu..
iyi niyetli bol tezahuratlı ama voleybol bihaberi seyirci ilk kez insiyatifi eline aldı, ve gürültü yaratmak yerine oyuna dahil oldu, kuru nakarat tezahuratı bırakıp rakip servisleri ıslıklayan takıma puanlarda coşku kayıplarda destek verdi.. büyük tecrübe nilayında ipleri eline alıp takıma enerji katmasıyla seti 18-25 alarak maçı tie breake taşıdı galatasarayımız.. yine iyi oynamasa ve basit hatalar yapsada serinkanlı olup tecrübesini ortaya koyduğu her puanı kopardı.. tie break hızlı başlayıp birden yittiği bir set oldu ve 15-12 ile maçı kaybettik..
artık sıra hala pek de anlam veremediğim golden setteydi..
golden sette farkı açtık ama yine basit hatalar nedeniyle maçı koparamadık.. yinede istikrarlı ve güvenli bir farkla ilerleyen seti 15+12 ile alarak CEV de çeyrek finale yükseldik. bu setin oyuncusu kesinlikle selimeydi.. maçta o kadar yorulan ve hata yapan bu kadar genç bir oyuncunun kısa sette 6 top öldürmesi inanılmazdı.. taraftarın ve kızlarımızın sevinci görmeye değerdi.. yorulduk sıkıldık ama sonu güzel oldu ya bu da yeter..
sahada lo bianco ve nilayla zaferi ölümsüzleştirdim :)
128 dakikalık maçın sonunda gece yarım gibi odamıza döndük, ertesi gün aynı uçakla dönüş yolunda yine beraberdik.. kızlar yorgun ama mutlu, biraz da maçı bu kadar zora soktukları için buruktular.. orkun kaptan ve koç dragan ile sohbetlerimde gözlediğim bu maçta bir direniş bekledikleri ama bu kadarını öngörmedikleriydi.
Galatasarayda basketbolla başlayan amatör sporları hatırlama ve yaşatma girişimi voleybol ile devam ediyor..tabiki fb eczacı ve vakıfın olduğu lige hızlı bir giriş beklenmemeli, neticede çok fazla hareket imkanı yok ama şube iyi çalışıyor diye düşünüyorum; imkan ve ihtimaller dahilinde yerinde transferlerle ligde Galatasarayı güzel bir yere getirecek CEV kupasındada final four oynatacak bir kadro kurulmuş; bu sene bu hedeflere ulaşma yolunda mesafe katederse - ki ediyor; hem oyuncular için tercih sebebi olacak hem de sponsorlar.. bu da ileriki dönem için daha fazla başarı şansı demek..
başkana, orkun kaptana, neslihana, dragan ve reşat hocaya başta olmak üzere teknik ekibe ve tüm kızlarımıza bu keyfi yaşattıkları için, Galatasaray ismini daha da yukarılara taşıyacaklarına inandırdıkları için teşekkürler..
ERİC - ORTA - 1983
Geldiği Takım Universal Volley Modena 2011
Geldiği Takım Ankaragücü 2010
Geldiği Takım Azzerail Bakü 2011
Geldiği Takım Ankaragücü 2011
Geldiği Takım Nilüfer Belediyesi 2011
Geldiği Takım Foppapedretti Volley Bergamo
Geldiği Takım Volero Zürih 2011
Kayıtlar (Atom)